Be a part of the movement. Help us to touch more cancer patients – addressing their financial, emotional, and mental needs along with the clinical. “

How can you help?


Want to help us make a true impact on more cancer patients?  Simply click the button below to inquire about our “more than” services, or refer a colleague who, like you, is an innovator in the oncology space.  There is no catch or obligation.  For your time, we’ll send some mindfulness exercises that you can share with your patients.

As an RBS client, you know we are on a mission to improve the financial experience for cancer patients. And now, we’re starting a movement to do more.    


We’re expanding our vision to help more patients and to provide more services that address the financial as well as emotional aspects of cancer.  Here are just a few of the innovations we’re working on:

Ascend Oncology Network, a clinically integrated network of providers that will put the negotiating power for cancer reimbursement back where it belongs – with the physician.


RBS Coding and Authorization services, two solutions that ensure your charges are going out the door correctly, eliminating unnecessary (and scary!) denial letters to patients.


Exclusive members-only investment opportunities for RBS clients to support innovation in our industry.


Joint venture partnerships:  new cancer centers to bring patients more access to exceptional oncology care.

Once again, THANK YOU for being the exception. 

We are grateful for your partnership and the opportunity to serve you and your patients.