In the last article, we covered two of the most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that every practice should measure to ensure the health of the revenue cycle: Days in Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Clean Claims Ratio (CCR). In this article, we’ll cover two more crucial...

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and at Radiation Business Solutions, we believe that prevention begins with understanding. This blog will give you an in-depth look at the things every man – and woman! - should know about prostate cancer.   What is it?   The prostate is a...

At Radiation Business Solutions, we relieve financial anxiety for patients and physicians so that they can focus on improving health. RBS specializes in radiation oncology billing and management solutions, new cancer center development, and improving the cancer patient experience.  We offer a wide range of...

As a reminder, ENCORE is what we strive to do for your practice and patients. We want to serve you so well that you will join the others in our joint ventures and investment funds and fully utilize more services. ENCORE is so pivotal to...

When I first heard about ENCORE, specifically the first “E” – “Encourage each other’s success,” I thought that meant we would sit around at staff meetings, giving out gold stars and high-fiving each other. While we certainly celebrate good work and recognize a job well done,...

Handel’s Messiah was written for King George II in 1741. The Hallelujah chorus is the most famous piece, and everyone stands during it. Almost three hundred years later, audiences still stand to their feet when they hear this piece. I think I’m starting to understand...

With the advancing Advance Payment Model (APM) becoming a reality in 2022, many radiation oncology centers are seeing a shuffle of resources trying to get ready for the inevitable. The APM is designed to increase the quality of patient care by rewarding high-value patient care...

Radiation oncology departments depend on accurate coding of claims to be reimbursed for their services. Inaccurate coding means no payment and possibly compliance issues that could raise a red flag. Almost all hospitals have a coding department, but that is not always the best solution...

CMS requires that the physician documentation supports their charges. In an audit situation, the only guarantee that you have performed a charge (and received payment) is your written documentation. In today’s world of changing reimbursement (i.e., CMS Advanced Payment Model), coding has become (will be...